This course provides the essential and powerful keys to help you take charge of your life and build your very own successful business. But don't just take it from me. These keys were taken from over 20 years of interviews conducted with well over 100 successful entrepreneurs and business builders across America and around the world.
This course dives into what it means to have a great idea versus a true business opportunity and teaches you how to take those great ideas and turn them into an actual money-making company.
Throughout this course you can watch high-quality video interviews of entrepreneurs and business builders from all over America sharing the secrets of their own businesses. You will have access to the necessary exercises and quizzes to implement these sound, proven practices into your own business.
After completing this course you will have a greater understanding of the key concepts that every day men and women are using in their businesses. By watching these videos and completing these exercises you will have drastically increased your chances of creating a successful business.
Your Instructor
The Women’s Business Center of Utah (WBCUtah) is one of a national network of nearly 115 centers partially funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and is “designed to assist women in starting and growing small businesses.” However, unlike many other centers, the WBCUtah operates as a separate non-profit organization hosted and headquartered within the Salt Lake Chamber, allowing it access to a unique set of tools and resources to aid entrepreneurs.